

在福克斯克罗夫特,学习在许多不同的地方以许多不同的方式进行. We don’t believe that the classroom and traditional subjects have a monopoly on helping you develop the skills and understanding that will help you succeed in life. 关心自己和他人, 探索弗吉尼亚女子寄宿预科学校之外的世界, 并从事各种智力活动, practical, 在不同的环境中进行社交活动会给你带来许多重要的和令人兴奋的东西! -教育机会.


Service Learning

Giving back to the community is a fundamental part of a Foxcroft education – and has been since the all girls boarding school in Virginia was founded. Today, 我们使用服务学习模型, in which students engage in activities with intentional learning goals and dedicated time for reflection to undergird programs from curricular-based initiatives such as EPICS 从非营利到正规的持续合作关系, occasional, and ad hoc service opportunities coordinated by our full-time Service Learning Coordinator — and learn to care about and make a difference in the world around them.

List of 16 items.

  • 班纳克小学

    班纳克伙伴把女孩带到附近的班纳克小学,在许多方面提供帮助. 他们在课堂上协助老师, 与学生一起完成各种作业, 并且在特殊场合积极出席. The volunteer opportunity is successful because our girls genuinely care about the children they work with and have developed authentic relationships with them.
  • 樱花乳癌基金会

    福克斯克罗夫特的女孩们一年到头都想着粉色, 积极帮助传播乳腺癌意识并筹集资金支持 樱花乳癌基金会 (CBBCF)在许多方面.  Foxcroft's support has been so significant and consistent that the CBBCF Board of Directors has established two permanent seats on the Board for Foxcroft students, 这对高中生来说是个难得的机会. 

    Each fall, Foxcroft students are a large and enthusiastic presence at Nanette's Walk (aka the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Walk, 跑和狗跳), 哪一个是在学校举办的. In January, 福克斯克罗夫特举办了高中粉红篮球锦标赛, 青年队和中学女队.  从这两个活动和其他筹款活动的捐款全年受益 樱花乳癌基金会. 在过去的九年里,福克斯克罗夫特已经为该组织筹集了5万多美元.
  • EPICS:社区服务工程项目

    EPICS -- Engineering Projects in Community Service -- is a design-based service learning program through which student teams provide engineering solution for local non-profits. 福克斯克罗夫特是弗吉尼亚州第一个成为普渡大学一部分的女子学校 EPICS High 并为当地学校完成了十多个项目, foundations, 有特殊需要的个人中心和其他组织. 阅读更多关于福克斯克罗夫特的其他STEM活动,并查看EPICS项目的画廊 here.
  • 福克斯克罗夫特人道基金会

    志愿者帮助组织和打扫 米德尔堡人道基金会 在弗吉尼亚州马歇尔的避难所和场地. 他们也与动物交往, 其中大多数是被救助和虐待的, 被忽视或“有危险”的动物,并定期举办校园募捐活动,为毯子和宠物用品募捐.
  • 鹅溪协会

    学生自愿在河滨缓冲区植树 Goose Creek, which runs through campus and learn the skills necessary to become certified stream water monitors.
  • Junior Class Walk

    This annual fundraiser is organized by the Junior Class each year to benefit a non-profit of the class members' choice. Girls educate the community about the organization and its work and stage an all-school walk (or run) each Spring. 最近徒步马拉松的受益者包括国际小母牛组织, the Polaris Project, Juvenile Diabetes, Room to Read, and Less Cancer.
  • 马克米勒果园收集

    每年,学生志愿者都会从农场收集新鲜水果 马克米尔果园 in Winchester, VA.这样,这些农产品就可以捐赠给当地的食品银行.
  • Mobile Hope Loudoun

    学生们开始研究 Mobile Hope Loudoun in 2015. 志愿者在该组织的利斯堡设施工作, doing a variety of tasks to support its mission of trying to improve the lives of children 24 years of age or younger who are at-risk, 在劳登县住得很不稳定或无家可归.  
  • NW Works

    This Winchester, VA-based组织, works to enable adults with disabilities and significant barriers to employment to gain and sustain employment and training. 福克斯克罗夫特的学生通过与个人一起种植蔬菜和花园来帮助他们. In addition, 通过EPICS项目, 工科学生设计并建造了种植箱, sorting tables, 以及其他辅助项目 NW Works in 建立一个持续的农产品业务.
  • 红十字会献血活动

    福克斯克罗夫特每年都会在校园里举办红十字献血活动. 学生们通过帮助推动这项运动来支持这项努力, 当捐赠者前来捐赠时,向他们致以问候和关怀, and, 如果有资格并得到父母的许可, donating blood.
  • 进行一次可回收垃圾收集

    Faculty, staff, 学生们也接受了校园回收项目, 由于学生们的热情和动力. 流线型系统减少了浪费,并引入了更有效的做事方式, 每个人都支持这些改变.
  • 七个面包食物银行

    学生志愿者帮助食品募捐和协助当地 food bank 在分类捐赠和整理货架.
  • 利斯堡的春天

    一个辅助生活社区, 利斯堡的春天 有很多老年人喜欢福克斯克罗夫特女孩的来访吗, 谁一年提供几次陪伴和娱乐.
  • 萌芽治疗骑行 & Education Center

    位于弗吉尼亚州阿尔迪附近, 斯普劳特治疗骑马教育中心 为有特殊需要的人提供马辅助活动和治疗. 福克斯克罗夫特的学生作为志愿者接受培训,并在每周的基础上协助上课.

  • Special Friends

    特别之友全年都会探访本地长者, 花时间和老人一起玩游戏, 听故事, singing songs, and making friends.
  • Women Giving Back

    Women Giving Back是一个社区服务俱乐部,专门收集, sorts, 并将回收的女性衣物分发给重返职场的无家可归女性.


A variety of experiences outside the traditional academic setting enriches the Foxcroft learning experience. Some of these are annual events that expose students to topics they might not otherwise explore and different approaches to mastering them. Others bring individuals of diverse talents and expertise to campus to share their real-life experiences.

List of 5 items.

  • 固特异研究员计划

    The Alison Harrison Goodyear Fellowship Program brings women and men who have achieved renown in the fields of the arts, humanities, science, 或到校园参加公共事务与学生的讨论和研讨会. 
  • Helen Cudahy Niblack '42艺术系列讲座

    由奥斯提·布朗于1973年创立以纪念她的母亲, Helen Cudahy Niblack, Class of 1942, 尼布莱克艺术系列讲座带来了丰富多彩的文学作品, 表演艺术家和美术艺术家, artisans, and designers to Foxcroft to share their work and experience while engaging students in the creative process.
  • Paul K. 卑尔根诗歌节

    有什么比以不同的方式体验诗歌更好的方式来学习诗歌呢? 这就是为什么我们每年都有一个诗歌朗诵比赛,每个学生都要参加, 原创学生口语表演的诗朗诵, 并为女孩们提供分享她们所写或喜爱的诗歌的机会. 这一切,除了 readings, workshops, and informal meetings with established poets who are brought to campus for the event! 最近的驻院诗人包括: Jennifer Chang, Sandra Beasley, Tina Barr ’73, 和乔尔·迪亚斯·波特, 还有表演诗人克林特·史密斯, George Yamazawa, and Jason LeVasseur.
  • STEM Competitions

    女孩们喜欢科学, technology, engineering, and mathematics annually at Foxcroft’s wildly-popular interscholastic STEM competition just for girls. About 175 girls, 很多人都来自福克斯克罗夫特, 来自20多所初中和高中,接受各种有趣的挑战, solve problems, 赢得各种各样的奖品. 阅读今年的活动, 由K2M公司赞助, 利斯堡的一家生物医药公司, VA, 或者看一段学生制作的关于当天的视频.
  • Wintermission

    冬季任务是一个为期一周的学期,在二月, during which regular classes are suspended so that students can experience a different way of learning. 你可以选择更深入地研究一个主题, 经验的角度, 或者参加一个实用技能课程,比如家庭维修, handicrafts, or filmmaking. Or you might spend the week as an intern at one of a dozen different local establishments from the bank, art gallery, 从小学到有机农场或生物医学实验室. 校外旅行和服务的机会也经常可用. Take a look at the course catalog and read the students' blog from recent Wintermission terms to see what it’s about

Global Connections

Interacting with and exploring the world beyond our gates is crucial as the global village continues to shrink. 我们的社区是多元化的,有来自二十多个州和十几个国家的个人, 国内和世界事件是课堂内外经常讨论的话题. 但是没有什么比出去看看和体验不同的文化更重要的了,所以我们试着经常这样做!

List of 3 items.

  • Exchange Programs

    Foxcroft has exchange programs with schools in France and Spain, each with its own unique qualities. 与Le Centre Madeleine Danielou的交换, near Paris, features home stays along with sightseeing and school visits and recent exchanges to Spain have focused on learning the language.
  • Local Riches

    历史上有数量惊人的, cultural, and academic resources within a short drive of Foxcroft and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explore them on course-related field trips, weekend jaunts, 还有各种各样的班级旅行. 你可以参观国家美术馆、大屠杀博物馆或华盛顿特区的国会大厦.C., relive history at Gettysburg or Harper’s Ferry, or go hiking or caving in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Class trips, 文化和自然的结合, are annual events as is the junior year visit to a nearby college to kick off the application process.
  • Traveling the Globe

    福克斯克罗夫特赞助了很多重要的旅行, 无论是在冬季任务期间还是在假期. 最近,学生们去了加拉帕戈斯群岛探险, Senegal, Honduras, and Peru, 以及亨茨维尔的太空营, AL), New York, and New Mexico. 读读我们在 “Where’s Foxcroft?” blog.

北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观福克斯克罗夫特.